Nekojin Workshop

Founded in 2019 in Malaysia, Nekojin Workshop is committed to crafting charmful, cultural, and creative IP pieces centered around cats. With [Cat Planet] and [Nekojin] as our primary creative IPs. We continuously release a variety of merchandise, showcasing the charm of cats with creativity!
Booth No.
대표 이미지

This story follows a Catronaut who, during their space voyage, uncovers the hidden Catlaxy. Within it, they discover 12 distinct Cat Planets, each embodying one of the zodiac signs. The design draws inspiration from stained glass windows and is meticulously crafted into translucent acrylic coasters and keychains. When illuminated by strong light, the intricate design is projected in stunning detail. This collection is one of Nekojin Workshop’s flagship products.
참가자 미니 인터뷰
1. 일러스트레이터로서 나를 표현할 수 있는 키워드 3가지를 소개해주세요!
Cat, Imagination, Fun
2. '작업 활동'과 '나의 일상' 사이의 밸런스 조절을 위해 가장 중요하게 생각하는 것이 있다면, 소개해주세요!
To balance passion and practicality, it's important to remember that while art is a passion, it shouldn’t overshadow your daily responsibilities. Finding a flexible balance that lets you enjoy both is key. This means being mindful of not letting one take over the other—creating space for your art while still making sure everyday tasks and obligations are handled. That way, you can fully enjoy your creative pursuits without sacrificing other important aspects of your life.
3. 일러스트레이터가 되길 잘했다고 느끼는 순간은 언제인가요?
A moment that stands out for me in my journey as an illustrator was when I completed my first piece that truly felt like me—a unique expression of my style and vision. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a breakthrough in realizing that my work didn’t need to look like anyone else’s to be valuable. That feeling of creating something that belonged to me was empowering."
4. 겨울과 어울리는 작가님만의 작품이나 굿즈가 있다면, 소개해주세요!
One of our standout collections is our 4-season artwork series, which includes a special winter-themed piece. In this collection, we've incorporated a stained glass art style that brings each season to life, with winter being particularly unique. Featuring our beloved character, the Capybara, the winter design captures the warmth and charm of the season in a way that's both special and visually stunning. The intricate details and vivid colors make it a perfect addition to brighten up any winter day!
5. 다가오는 2025년 새해 소망이 있다면, 알려주세요!
For 2025, my New Year’s wish is to introduce Nekojin Workshop to a wider audience around the world. I hope more people get to discover and enjoy our unique creations and artwork. It would be wonderful to see others have fun and find inspiration in what we create, whether it’s through our stained glass-inspired designs or our playful characters. Let's make 2025 a year of spreading creativity and joy through art!