I'm Sheryn, also known as RYNISYOU, a graphic designer by day and illustrator by night based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My illustration works are a combination of themes of horror and Taoism in a more contemporary style, loosely based on personal experiences. I self-published my first original book 『雨 -RAIN-』 in 2017, 『偏頭痛 -migraine-』 & 『虚 -VOID-』 in 2018, 『血月 -BLOOD MOON-』 in 2022, and my new book is 『孤独 -solitude-』. Feel free to follow my ig @rynisyou for more works :)
대표 이미지
참가자 미니 인터뷰
1. 자기소개 부탁드립니다!
Hello :) I'm Sheryn, also known as RYNISYOU; a graphic designer by day and illustrator. I am currently based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Previous countries that I have exhibited my artwork includes Australia, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore.
2. 이번 페어에서 공개되는 새로운 작품이 있다면, 소개해주세요!
My latest series is 『孤独 -solitude-』, which explores the reality of losing someone and feeling loneliness.
3. 이번 페어에서 선보일 작가님의 '시그니처'가 있다면, 소개해주세요!
My illustration works are a combination of themes of horror and Taoism in a more contemporary style, loosely based on personal experiences.
4. 이번 페어 현장에서 팬들과 나누고 싶은 이야기가 있다면, 알려주세요!
This is my first time attending an event in Seoul, and I hope that you will like what I've produced so far ♥ Please also recommend me good places to drink coffee :D
5. 이번 페어가 끝난 후 여름 휴가 계획이 있다면, 알려주세요!
My birthday is very near to the event so hopefully I will be able to eat more amazing food and drink a lot of coffee in Seoul. Thanks again and see you there ♥