일러스트레이터, 선과 이야기의 담지자
아름다움의 궤도를 담아내는 1인 일러스트레이터 브랜드 saleign's lair (살랭의 은신처)의 살랭(SALEIGN) 작가입니다. 여러 가지 물성을 가진 그림-물건들을 만듭니다. 일상을 기록함으로써 삶을 살아내며, 생활잡화와 문구류에 경이를 담아내고 있습니다.
Illustrator, storyteller, illuminator
Majored Philosophy and Life Science in Ewha Womens University
Freelance illustrator and an art-goods designer in South Korea
I interpret the extricate beauty of old, time-worn concepts into fine-lined illustrations in a graceful manner. I dream of artisans' magnificence and dignity, as well as high-context containing, keen observations of materials and tales. Like knitting a fabric piece I put together the philosophical essence and emotions to an elaborate illustration.
رسامة ، راوية ، ناشرة للمعرفة
Booth No.
대표 이미지

어느 버려진 사원 건물, 인간이 잊어버린 동안 장미 넝쿨이 자리 잡은 곳. 그곳에서도 달이 뜨고 별이 하늘길을 돌아갑니다. 별의 운항로를 아름다운 건축물과 장미덤불 속에서 관망하는 <별의 궤적>은 칸트의 묘비명에 새겨진 문장을 비추어 도덕의 근원을 조명하고, 이의 영원성을 은유하고 있습니다. 동양에서의 시각처럼, 인간의 근원은 하늘이라 인간 안에는 작은 하늘이 있습니다. 인류가 별처럼 분명하게 존재하는 도덕관념을 소망하고 추구했음을 하나의 사실로 보여주는 대표작입니다.
Traces of the Stars (SALEIGN, South Korea, 2022)
"An old place, abandoned, where roses have crept over the forgotten. Though no one remains, the moon rests and the stars rotate over their traces." Lines drawin with pen on paper, scanned and coloured in digital, and then printed on fine Korean silk, graceful lab diamonds 0.08ct X 20ea (F, VS 1 quality) woven onto and gold touches on silk for highlights. Limited edition.
Have you noticed, that even in daylight, the stars in the sky exist even if unseen, or unnoticed - We know that the stars exist there in the sky. started from the Kantian theory of moral ethics. Immanuel Kant's tombstone writes; Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them - the starry heavens above me an the moral law within me. Kant devoted his life in studies regarding human cognition, the origin of morality, the mechanism or aesthetics, and so many more themes. In his theories, morality (especially, the 'categorical imperative') is something that must be kept and performed in all circumstances, no matter what situation humans are in.
What is Art? What is aesthetics - what are the things we call as 'beauty'? Does beauty exist as an ideal concept, or is it a mechanism of human cognition? Kant found beauty as a state of mind in certain circumstances - beauty, aesthetic judgment is not a property of an artwork or natural phenomenon, but is instead consciousness of the pleasure that attends the 'free play' f the imagination and the understanding. Even though it appears that we are using reason to decide what is beautiful, the judgment is not a cognitive judgment, an is 'consequently not logical, but aesthetical'.
As I have majored philosophy, studying Kant, made me ponder about human cognition, aesthetic judgment, and human culture related to the historical world - in Eastern societies - Confucianism, marks the sky(天, cheon) as the origin of morality. Every human has a sky inside them, a moral self inside themselves. The world may flourish and demolish, arise and fall, but the moral ideals will everlast, with human minds. What inspired me as an rtist and a philosophy student was that I could conjugate Kant's categorical imperative, the moral laws with the East Asian Cheon, as stars would always be there in the sky, an allegory to moral laws being the everlasting stars. One more thing - aesthetics - may refer to human culture, as beauty is a key value humans cherish and follow. The fact that people felt beauty over history would also everlast, like the moral laws (stars) in the sky. Even if all humans leave the material world, their footsteps - art, culture, architecture, the beauty they sought, the values they sought would leave a mark in the world. The truth that humans existed, that they had built their culture with morality and aesthetics, would everlast. Even if they erode, or are covered by plants (nature and time) and fall into debris, the fact that our human nature sought for certain values are a valid truth. This is what I wished to portray among , the key of humanity and its existence as a valid truth forever, and even if there are evil in the world, I wish the observers remember the fact and seek over for the same direction. What existed as humanity would always be remembered. I hope for your experience with this piece to remind you to be not embarassed upon the sky(天).
참가자 미니 인터뷰
1. 일러스트레이터로서 나를 표현할 수 있는 키워드 3가지를 소개해주세요!
고아하다, 화려하다, 섬세하다
Graceful, Ravishing, Extricate
2. '작업 활동'과 '나의 일상' 사이의 밸런스 조절을 위해 가장 중요하게 생각하는 것이 있다면, 소개해주세요!
내가 선택한 삶과 그림의 방향을 그 자체로 인정하고 스스로 믿어주는 것
Making what I have chosen to live by into a valuable truth to myself
3. 일러스트레이터가 되길 잘했다고 느끼는 순간은 언제인가요?