
"Have you ever looked up at the starry sky and thought, ""It looks like the ocean""?
In fact, there is a vast world called the ""Hoshi no umi"" up there.
Shibao is traveling through the Hoshi no umi while creating artwork.
He draws the creatures he encounters on his journey, and makes goods using those drawings."
Booth No.
대표 이미지

Hoshizora Machi is protected by clouds imbued with defensive magic. These special clouds play the role of safeguarding the town from external attacks and unlawful intrusions. Only the Sea Turtle Flying Ship and certain specified vessels are permitted to dock at Hoshizora Machi. The defense cloud manufacturing machine is extremely ancient, with records dating back 3000 years in ancient historical texts. Its form has remained largely unchanged over time, with only the magic evolving to generate the clouds. Researchers aspire to replicate this machine for the sake of peace, but as of yet, no one has emerged capable of solving all the equations. Consequently, it remains a unique and invaluable machine, with only one existing in the universe.
참가자 미니 인터뷰
1. 일러스트레이터로서 나를 표현할 수 있는 키워드 3가지를 소개해주세요!
"Magic, Ocean, Creatures"
2. '작업 활동'과 '나의 일상' 사이의 밸런스 조절을 위해 가장 중요하게 생각하는 것이 있다면, 소개해주세요!
"Passion and Inspiration"
3. 일러스트레이터가 되길 잘했다고 느끼는 순간은 언제인가요?
"When I am able to perfectly draw the picture I want to create."
4. 겨울과 어울리는 작가님만의 작품이나 굿즈가 있다면, 소개해주세요!
"I'm creating a planner for 2025. I put a lot of thought into making it every year."
5. 다가오는 2025년 새해 소망이 있다면, 알려주세요!
"I hope to receive a request for a very large mural, and I also wish for a collaboration project with an aquarium in Korea!"