Hi! My name is Waiwa, but you can also call me Vivian. I am based in Hong Kong and London. As a passionate graphic communication design student at the University of the Arts London Central Saint Martins (UAL CSM), I've been honing my skills in both traditional artistry and digital mediums like Procreate, Adobe Illustrator, and Indesign. With a versatile background, I've had the incredible opportunity to work as a graphic designer artist at the Lion Rock Press, where I've been able to bring my creative visions to life. Additionally, I've enjoyed teaching art to children and exploring the boundless possibilities of freelance design work.
대표 이미지
These are four of my favourite illustration works, I like doing Hong Kong-themed and personal-themed illustrations.
참가자 미니 인터뷰
1. 자기소개 부탁드립니다!
I’m an illustrator that likes to romanticise my life through my works, I like cats, I like fantasy and vintage, I like surrealism. Based in Hong Kong and London, a lot of works are inspired by them as well!
2. 이번 페어에서 공개되는 새로운 작품이 있다면, 소개해주세요!
The “infinity” posting stamps stickers, they’re still being modified at the moment, but the idea is about mailing for free to everywhere in the world because, well, kindness and love is immeasurable by money!
3. 이번 페어에서 선보일 작가님의 '시그니처'가 있다면, 소개해주세요!
The prints of my illustrations for sure, can’t wait to print them out!
4. 이번 페어 현장에서 팬들과 나누고 싶은 이야기가 있다면, 알려주세요!
Travelling all the way from London then back to Hong Kong then to Seoul for this fair is a total dream, it is also my first every illustration fair, very excited to meet new people and learn from other lovely, talented illustrators!
5. 이번 페어가 끝난 후 여름 휴가 계획이 있다면, 알려주세요!
Soju x beer, I’d love trying that xd Will be staying a few days more after the fair then back to Hong Kong and then travel around Europe. Looking forward to everything that is happening in summer!